TSS.RESTREND - Time Series Segmentation of Residual Trends
Time Series Segmented Residual Trends is a method for the
automated detection of land degradation from remotely sensed
vegetation and climate datasets. TSS-RESTREND incorporates
aspects of two existing degradation detection methods: RESTREND
which is used to control for climate variability, and BFAST
which is used to look for structural changes in the ecosystem.
The full details of the testing and justification of the
TSS-RESTREND method (version 0.1.02) are published in Burrell
et al., (2017). <doi:10.1016/j.rse.2017.05.018>. The changes to
the method introduced in version 0.2.03 focus on the inclusion
of temperature as an additional climate variable. This allows
for land degradation assessment in temperature limited
drylands. A paper that details this work is currently under
review. There are also a number of bug fixes and speed
improvements. Version 0.3.0 introduces additional attribution
for eCO2, climate change and climate variability the details of
which are in press in Burrell et al., (2020). The version
under active development and additional example scripts showing
how the package can be applied can be found at